Our Story

    When I first moved to Canada, I went through many changes to adapt to my new home. I had to learn a new language, adapt to a new culture, and even had to change my skincare routine because of the drastic change in climate, especially the winter dryness!

    Reasons why it was important for me to keep a skincare routine and adjust it to my environment are:

    my skin routine brings me joy

    it is my form of self-care

    it is a long-term investment towards slowing down the effects of aging


    I’ve always felt that having a skincare routine is not another chore to add to your day, but rather a daily priority that has benefits towards my physical and mental well-being. Beyond the positive effects on your skin when done consistently, taking the time to do a skin routine helps improve your mood and is a tool that can be used connect to yourself mentally, truly another form of self-care.

    I believe that every one has their own different skincare routine that works for them, as long as they are committed and dedicated to applying these small steps to their daily plans.

    At NAKEDFACE, we focus on simplifying the skincare routine yet ensuring ease of application. Our products aim to provide hydration, nourishment, prevention, and protection that is required for maintaining healthy skin.

    I hope that we can be a part of your journey towards better self-care, adopting a more simplified daily skincare process, and towards more moments of joy to look forward to.

    💚 Kate 

    “...There’s nothing more beautiful than a woman [who] takes care of [herself]. When you drink water, take care of your skin, work out, and work on your mind, body and spirit — you are going to be beautiful, regardless.” -Beyonce